6 Ways to Verify You Won a Poshmark Contest
You receive a notification that you’ve won $1000 on Poshmark. Woohoo! You’re asked to fill out some paperwork with personal information and return it. Uh-oh. Is it a scam? Read on to find out how you can verify that you’ve won a Poshmark contest.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This means that I may receive compensation when you click on a product link or purchase an item linked on this site. Click here for details.
** If you don’t have a Poshmark account, you can receive a free $10 bonus when you sign up with my code SFGIRL2015.
A Poshmark contest I won
What’s Poshmark?
Poshmark is an online marketplace for buying and selling all sorts of items including men’s, women’s, and children’s clothes and accessories, home and beauty products, and electronics.
To have sellers list more and buyers buy more, Poshmark holds contests offering prizes for listing items, making offers to people who like your items, and buying items.
Poshmark contests and prizes
Below are some of the recent contests and prizes.
1 | Make a Deal Days
You enter the contest by using Poshmark’s Offer to Likers feature to make an offer to people who have liked your item. In a recent instance of this contest, 72 winners received $100 Poshmark store credit in their local currency and one grand prize winner won $1,000 Poshmark store credit.
An email notice about Make a Deal days
2 | List to win
This contest comes in a variety of forms and names like
Love or List Challenge
List One Win One
You gain entries by listing items to the Poshmark app or website. The more items you list, the more entries you earn.
Sometimes a few winners are selected each hour. Those winners receive $25 or $50 in Poshmark store credit depending on the contest. Then there is a grand prize winner.
The grand prizes have been great lately:
$1,000 Poshmark store credit
A PlayStation 5
A Peloton
An email for the Love It or List It challenge
Another email for the Love It or List It challenge
3 | Posh Ambassadors Only contests
These contests are only open to Poshmark Ambassadors. PM Ambassadors are sellers who have met criteria that show they are top sellers and represent the community well. You can read all about the benefits of being one.
One of the contests requires a PM Ambassador to 3 different listings that are not their own (AKA community shares) on the app or website. Fifteen winners receive $100 in Poshmark store credit for a total giveaway of $1500.
Keep an eye on your emails and the Poshmark newsfeed. These contests happen often, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to participate.
A contest exclusive to Posh Ambassadors
Another contest exclusive to Posh Ambassadors
Are Poshmark contest a scam?
Poshmark contests are legitimate and you can safely claim your reward following the tips below.
I know because I’ve won twice! I once won a $25 credit and another time a $50 credit. The credits were transferred to my account without any issue.
That doesn’t mean that you can’t get scammed on Poshmark. Scammers are evolving and catching on to new ways to take advantage of people all the time.
If you’re on Poshmark or any marketplace long enough, you know scams exist both on the buying and selling end. These are a few I’ve heard of recently, although unrelated to the contests and rewards:
You purchase an item on Poshmark. The seller uses a program to edit the shipping label to a location near your address. The seller puts whatever they want in the package, but it’s likely not the item you ordered. The package gets marked as delivered, even showing it in your zip code, but you never receive the package. The seller gets their funds released and doesn't have to give up anything.
On eBay, a listing you have for sale ends either at auction or buy-it-now. You get a message from someone asking you to change the shipping address because they moved houses or it’s a gift for someone. If you’re not careful, you’ll see that the person asking for the address change is not the buyer but someone else trying to get the item sent to them for free.
Pretty sneaky, right? I couldn’t believe people go to these lengths to cheat others. Thankfully, I haven’t encountered these or other scams personally. I’ve only read about or hear of them happening to people.
It wouldn’t be that far-fetched to find that someone creates a scam around Poshmark contests and rewards too.
How to know your Poshmark win is legitimate
1 | Check the sender’s email address
The email should come from an @Poshmark.com email address.
2 | Check your newsfeed & email
You’ll receive a notice in your newsfeed and an email that you won. I have push notifications turned on for Poshmark so I received notice that way too.
3 | Check the winner’s list
Some contests have a winner’s list that is published soon after the contest is over. You can search for “Poshmark winner’s list” online. Sometimes Poshmark will send an email with a winner’s list. Or a banner will show up at the top of your newsfeed stating to check out yesterday’s winners.
4 | Contact Poshmark
You can email support@Poshmark.com or contact the company via Twitter and ask to verify if you won a contest.
5 | Check the rules of the contest
Did you meet the criteria to win the contest? Did you list items or make offers to likers on the day of those contests?
Also check who could enter the contest to see if you qualify. I’ve seen contests limited to
People who are at least 18 years old
Residents of the 50 United States and Washington D.C.
Residents of the 50 United States, Washington D.C. and Canada (excluding Quebec)
6 | Know when you have to fill out forms
I’ve heard people say that it must be a scam if Poshmark asks you to fill out forms with your personal information. That’s not true.
If you’re in the US and win a prize worth $600 or more, Poshmark must report the value to the IRS on a Form 1099-MISC. That’s why you’ll be asked to fill out a form if you win one of the grand prizes. It’s necessary for tax purposes.
Wrap Up
I’ve mentioned above that I haven’t ever encountered a scam with Poshmark contests and rewards. I haven’t heard of anyone being scammed in this way either, but it is possible since scammers are coming up with new ways to take advantage of people all the time.
The best thing you can do if you get a notice that you’re a winner is to verify it using the tips above. And if you’ve won, congratulations! Enjoy your winnings!
Have you won a Poshmark contest? How did you verify that you won? What did you do with your winnings?
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